We’re delighted to report that West Oxfordshire District Council have approved our application to install Tweener court lighting at Woodstock. It’s been a long and sometimes tortuous process, but a great final result. We’ll be sending full details over the coming weeks, but for a reminder of what the Tweener system is, go to We’ll be engaging an electrical contractor to connect power to courtside shortly, and the installation of the lights will take place in the summer (it will take only 2-3 days, in the second half of July) ready for first use when daylight starts to go in September.
As you know, our “membership year” runs from April to March. Many thanks to those keen members who have already renewed for 2024/5 (and a very warm welcome to our new members who have already joined for the coming year). A reminder that there are BIG SAVINGS FOR RENEWAL BEFORE 31 MARCH. The prices are unchanged from last year, and all the details of prices and the simple payment process are on
Don’t forget to send in your entries for this summer’s Club Championships – closing date 31 March. All the details of the events and how to enter are on
HOME MATCHES COMING UP [each match 2 courts]:
SATURDAY 24th, 1 pm: Ladies B v Cholsey, Men’s D v David Lloyd
SUNDAY 25th, 10 am: Ladies D v Brackley
SATURDAY 2nd, 1 pm: Men’s A v Abingdon, Men’s B v Blewbury
SUNDAY 3rd, 10 am: Men’s E v Abingdon
WEDNESDAY 6th, 10 am: Ladies Midweek v North Oxford
SATURDAY 9th, 1 pm: Ladies A v Witney, Ladies C v Abingdon