We are pleased to confirm that the Tennis Committee has now submitted a planning application to West Oxfordshire District Council for the installation of court lighting at Woodstock (as sanctioned by our AGM in 2019).
Crucially, this is NOT an application for floodlights on columns, for which planning permission would be hard to secure. It’s something very different. We’re applying to install an innovative new tennis court lighting system called Tweener. Tweener has been developed in France by the company NLX. Ingeniously, instead of being mounted on pylons, LED lights are mounted in continuous strips along the side fences of courts. For a clear image of this, see the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_TxCjZII8E
NLX began exporting in 2019. Tweener is proving extremely successful (and award-winning), with more than 700 installations now across Europe, not only throughout France but in Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, and in 25 countries worldwide. In France, installations of Tweener are now outstripping those of conventional pylon lighting. And Tweener has been installed in some of the most prestigious and beautiful venues there, including the Mouratoglou Academy, one of the premier tennis academies in the world. Other notable installations are at the Monte Carlo Tennis Club in Monaco and the Alberto Bonacossa Club in Milan.
To appreciate how elegant and unobtrusive the system is, note that in the picture below of Mouratoglou, we are seeing the back of one lighting strip along the fence in the bottom right corner; the second is the strip of light in the middle of the picture, two courts away. Beyond it, another pair of courts is similarly lit by two strips.
In this picture of Monte Carlo, we can see Tweener installed in the pair of courts in the middle distance: one strip of light is visible on the right of the courts, the other fixed on the wall to the left.
The running costs of Tweener are approximately 50% those of conventional lighting. The carbon footprint is further (hugely) reduced because construction, transportation and installation are so simple. Instead of closing the club for two to three weeks to allow heavy machinery to excavate courts, lay cables and erect lighting pylons, installation will take about two days: there is no excavation, no laying of cables and no erection of pylons – the Tweener strips are simply delivered to the Club and attached to the fences by brackets.
Tweener is now taking off in the UK. In March, Woodstock club members visited and play-tested installations at three different clubs, in London, Devon and Manchester. Neil Lovett visited Totnes Tennis Club in Devon, Rhys Lewis visited Our Lady of Muswell Tennis Club in North London, and Phil Reid, Tom Francis and Nigel Bryant visited Baxter Park Tennis Club in Cheadle, Manchester. Their reports have been sent to all members. If you have not received this package, please let us know.