It’s that time of year again when we are asking you to enter the Summer Club Championship. We had so much positive feedback regarding last years event that as the old saying goes, ‘if it isn’t broken then don’t fix it!’… we will continue with the same format.
While of course someone has to win each tournament, so many of you told me that what was so nice about last years event was simply the taking part that allowed you to play competitively against club members who you would not normally play.
The tournaments are open to all club members and last year we had a fantastic turnout…..but this year we can do even better I’m sure! My only request is that we try to have more ladies enter the singles tournament so we don’t have to cancel it again!
How to enter
You can choose to enter as many of the following tournaments for which you are eligible:
Men’s Singles
Ladies Singles
Men’s Doubles
Ladies Doubles
Mixed Doubles
Senior Men’s singles (Over 50)
For the doubles tournaments there are two ways to enter:
Choose your own partner and enter as a pair
Simply enter alone and we will find a partner for you
Send your entries to tournament organiser Freddie Page, on:
Text: 07388080377
Tournament Dates
Deadline to enter is 31st March 2024
Matches will begin in April and Finals Day will be Sunday 1st September (please put this date in your diaries)
Tournament Details
Full details will be sent to you prior to the tournaments starting, but in summary:
Matches will consist of two sets (with tie-breaks to 7 as usual at 6-6) – with a championship tie-break (to 10) deciding the winner if the match is tied
Round matches must be completed with a specified timescale which will be shown on the draw sheets
You and your opponents decide the time and date of any match
The success of this event will rely on your participation so please enter if you can.