
HAPPY NEW YEAR! AND VERY BEST WISHES FOR A TENNIS-FILLED 2025. If you’ve not played much over Christmas (or even if you have!) and are keen to be back on court, come and take part in our NEW YEAR TOURNAMENT.  It’s the second Sunday Club Afternoon – SUNDAY 12th JANUARY (1.30 start).  Everyone welcome. Beyond the handicap most of us may have from festive indulgence, there’ll be a scoring handicap to make every game close.  Partners will change each game, so you don’t need a partner to enter – just email woodstocktennisclub@gmail.com asap (ideally NOW) saying you want to take part.

LIGHTING  We’re working to see that all four courts will be lit again in time for the Club Night on Tuesday 7th and the Team Practice Night on Thursday 9th.  A message to confirm the date will go to everyone as soon as the repair is done.  Meanwhile the single court is unaffected.

If you’ve a resolution to play more tennis in 2025, and want to get your game in ever-better shape, our excellent coaching programme, both for juniors and for adults, starts straight away, in the week beginning 6 January.  For all the details of what’s on offer, just click on
Woodstock Adult Tennis Coaching – January to March View & Book Here
Woodstock Junior Tennis Coaching – Spring Term View and Book Here

HOME MATCHES IN JANUARY  [each match 2 courts]:
SATURDAY 4th, 10 am:  Men’s E v Goring
1 pm:  Men’s A v Wychwoods; Ladies D v Benson
SUNDAY 5th, 10 am:  Men’s B v Bicester
SATURDAY 11th, 1 pm:  Men’s C v Oxford Sports; Men’s D v Benson
SATURDAY 18th, 1 pm:  Men’s A v Henley; Ladies C v King’s Sutton
SUNDAY 19th, 10 am:  Ladies B v Shiplake
WEDNESDAY 22nd, 10 am: Ladies Midweek v Abingdon
SATURDAY 25th, 1 pm:  Ladies B v Brackley; Ladies D v North Oxford