
As you know, the running of our Club depends entirely on volunteers, and we currently have two posts that need to be filled:
Treasurer / Membership Secretary: As Kate Paice is stepping down after very capably holding the post for the last three years, we now urgently need a replacement.  There are a couple of brief busy spells each year, but Kate estimates that the work averages about two hours per month.  She would of course assist in the handover period to her replacement.
Mixed D Team Captain: With so many members keen to play team tennis, we’re entering a fourth Mixed team for the coming summer season (usually 7 matches), for which we need a captain.  Running a team can be fun and takes little time.

***  If you’d like to volunteer for either role and/or find out more, please just email woodstocktennisclub@gmail.com. ***

CLUB SESSIONS  With court lighting now installed at Woodstock, it’s great to see so many members enjoying evening tennis.  A reminder that our popular Club Nights on Tuesdays and Team Practice Nights on Thursdays now run all year round.  Both sessions start every week at 5.30, and play can continue till 9.30.  There are also daytime Club Sessions on Tuesday and Sunday afternoons, both running from 1.30 to 3.30.  All members are very welcome.

COURT AVAILABILITY  When planning your own games, if you’re ever in doubt about court availability, please remember that all the details are on our website:  https://wbtc.org.uk/courts-timetable/

HOME MATCHES IN FEBRUARY [each match 2 courts]:
SATURDAY 1st, 1 pm:  Ladies A v Bicester; Men’s B v Chinnor
SUNDAY 2nd, 10 am:  Men’s E v Blewbury
SATURDAY 8th, 1 pm:  Men’s C v OHRC; Men’s D v Oxford City
SUNDAY 9th, 10 am:  Ladies D v Norham Gardens
SATURDAY 15th, 10 am: Ladies D v Goring
                1 pm:  Men’s A v Witney; Men’s B v Princes Risborough
SUNDAY 16th, 10 am:  Ladies C v Oxford Sports
SATURDAY 22nd, 1 pm: Ladies B v Wychwoods; Ladies C v Colston
SUNDAY 23rd, 10 am:  Men’s B v Colston