We’re delighted to announce that, following our successful application for planning permission, granted by WODC in February, our court lighting has now been installed on all four courts at Woodstock.
As you’ll see when you’re next at the Club, we have not installed conventional floodlights on pylons, for which planning permission would have been hard to secure. It’s something very different. We’ve installed a new, innovative tennis court lighting system, developed in France, called Tweener. It’s so unobtrusive that you may not immediately realise it’s there! The nature of its design was crucial in our securing planning permission.
We sent detailed information about this to all members last summer, but in case you missed reading it at the time, or are a new member who has joined since, please click HERE for an Introduction to Tweener which explains clearly what it is. You’ll see that the system has now been installed in some of the most prestigious clubs in Europe, including major tennis academies and tournament venues.
We have permission to use court lighting from September to March each year, so the courts will be lit for the first time next month.
We will shortly post details of how the system will operate, and how you can obtain a key to use the lights.