Court Lighting

We are pleased to confirm that the Tennis Committee has now submitted a planning application to West Oxfordshire District Council for the installation of court lighting at Woodstock (as sanctioned by our AGM in 2019). 

Crucially, this is NOT an application for floodlights on columns, for which planning permission would be hard to secure.  It’s something very different.  We’re applying to install an innovative new tennis court lighting system called Tweener.  Tweener has been developed in France by the company NLX.  Ingeniously, instead of being mounted on pylons, LED lights are mounted in continuous strips along the side fences of courts.  For a clear image of this, see the following video:

NLX began exporting in 2019.  Tweener is proving extremely successful (and award-winning), with more than 700 installations now across Europe, not only throughout France but in Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, and in 25 countries worldwide.  In France, installations of Tweener are now outstripping those of conventional pylon lighting.  And Tweener has been installed in some of the most prestigious and beautiful venues there, including the Mouratoglou Academy, one of the premier tennis academies in the world.  Other notable installations are at the Monte Carlo Tennis Club in Monaco and the Alberto Bonacossa Club in Milan.

To appreciate how elegant and unobtrusive the system is, note that in the picture below of Mouratoglou, we are seeing the back of one lighting strip along the fence in the bottom right corner; the second is the strip of light in the middle of the picture, two courts away.  Beyond it, another pair of courts is similarly lit by two strips.


In this picture of Monte Carlo, we can see Tweener installed in the pair of courts in the middle distance: one strip of light is visible on the right of the courts, the other fixed on the wall to the left.


The running costs of Tweener are approximately 50% those of conventional lighting.  The carbon footprint is further (hugely) reduced because construction, transportation and installation are so simple.  Instead of closing the club for two to three weeks to allow heavy machinery to excavate courts, lay cables and erect lighting pylons, installation will take about two days: there is no excavation, no laying of cables and no erection of pylons – the Tweener strips are simply delivered to the Club and attached to the fences by brackets.

Tweener is now taking off in the UK.  In March, Woodstock club members visited and play-tested installations at three different clubs, in London, Devon and Manchester.  Neil Lovett visited Totnes Tennis Club in Devon, Rhys Lewis visited Our Lady of Muswell Tennis Club in North London, and Phil Reid, Tom Francis and Nigel Bryant visited Baxter Park Tennis Club in Cheadle, Manchester.  Their reports have been sent to all members.  If you have not received this package, please let us know.

June – July


Led by Head Coach Tom Francis, we’re running a special new Adult Coaching Camp at the Club this summer.  The 3-day course is on 24th, 26th & 28th July, in 2-hour sessions across 3 days, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Content will include: Basket Drills, Live Balls Drills, Stroke Analysis, Breakdown of game situations, Doubles & Singles Tactics.  

On the Friday we will have the bar open and some food on offer: please do stay on for a drink and pizza! All members are welcome to join the participants for a drink at the bar from 8pm at the end of the Camp on Friday 28th.  Booking for the camp is now open.  Places are limited and will be offered on a first come, first served basis. All the details are here:  Woodstock Tennis Club – Adult intensive Camp – Book Here

Our friendly and inclusive Club Sessions are thriving.  Everyone is welcome.  They’re on TUESDAYS FROM 5.30 ONWARDS and SUNDAYS 1.30 – 3.30.  And on THURSDAYS FROM 5.30 ONWARDS there are Team Practice Nights for all members keen to play team tennis. 

If ever in doubt about court availability, please check our very simple Courts Timetable on  Just two exceptions coming up:
** WEDNESDAY 21 JUNE: Unusually we have two home Midweek League matches on the same morning.  Please note: on Weds 21 all 4 courts will be busy from 9.30 till 12.30.
** SUNDAY 2 JULY: We have a home match in the LTA National League at 4 pm on Sunday 2nd July.  All four courts will be busy from 4 till about 5.30, then two courts will be in use.

HOME MATCHES COMING UP [each match 2 courts]:
SATURDAY 17th, 1 pm:  Mixed A v Wychwoods; Mixed C v Blewbury
WEDNESDAY 21st, 10 am: Ladies Midweek v Wantage; Men’s Midweek v Faringdon
SATURDAY 24th, 1 pm:  Men’s D v Witney
SATURDAY 1st, 1 pm:  Men’s A v Kingston Bagpuize
SUNDAY 2nd, 10 am:  Ladies A v Bicester; 4 pm:  Men’s National League v Cholsey
SATURDAY 8th, 1 pm:  Mixed B  v Faringdon; Mixed C v Oxford Sports

May – June

Monday 29 May to Friday 2 June
A quick reminder that in half-term week we’re staging our annual Henmans Junior Tournament sponsored by Freeths solicitors, a great event entering its second quarter-century!  Please note that THE COURTS WILL BE BUSY EACH DAY THAT WEEK (MONDAY TO FRIDAY) UNTIL ABOUT 5 PM, but will be FREE STRAIGHT AFTER, AND CLUB NIGHTS WILL RUN AS USUAL.

Our excellent coaches are offering a special new Adult Coaching Camp at the Club this summer.  The 3-day course will take place on 26th, 27th & 28th July. The course will be 2-hour intensive sessions across 3 days, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  Content will include: Basket Drills, Live Balls Drills, Stroke Analysis, Breakdown of game situations, Doubles & Singles Tactics.  Sessions will be delivered by Head Coach Tom Francis & Ben Coomber.
On the Friday we will have the bar open and some food on offer: please do stay on for a drink and pizza!  Booking is now open.  Places are limited and will be offered on a first come, first served basis. All the details are here:

Our friendly and inclusive Club Sessions are thriving.  Everyone is welcome.  They’re on TUESDAYS FROM 5.30 ONWARDS and SUNDAYS 1.30 – 3.30.  And on THURSDAYS FROM 5.30 ONWARDS there are Team Practice Nights for all members keen to play team tennis.

HOME MATCHES COMING UP [each match 2 courts]:
SATURDAY 27th, 1 pm:  Mixed B v Cholsey; Ladies D v Blewbury D
SATURDAY 3rd, 1 pm:  Ladies D v Blewbury C
WEDNESDAY 7th, 10 am Ladies Midweek v North Oxford
SATURDAY 10th, 1 pm:  Ladies C v Portcullis; Men’s C v Oxford City
SATURDAY 17th, 1 pm:  Mixed A v Wychwoods; Mixed C v Blewbury


The sun image may be a bit optimistic… but in spite of the mostly gloomy April we hope you’ve been playing loads of tennis, and let’s hope May will be kinder and we’ll all play even more.  There’s a lot going on….

CLUB TOURNAMENT:  All the details are on the board in the clubhouse conservatory.  Enjoy your matches, and please keep results coming in.

TEAM TENNIS:  The Summer League season has just begun.  If you’re interested in playing team tennis and are not yet involved, be sure to let us know (just reply to this email).

Our friendly and inclusive Club Sessions are thriving.  Everyone is welcome.  They’re on TUESDAYS FROM 5.30 ONWARDS and SUNDAYS 1.30 – 3.30.  And on THURSDAYS FROM 5.30 ONWARDS there are Team Practice Nights for all members keen to play team tennis.

All the details of the great coaching on offer are on the website: and

In spite of all the activity on court, the timetable is still very simple.  If ever in doubt about when courts are available, just check on

Coming up at half-term (week beginning Monday 29 May) is our annual Henmans Junior Tournament sponsored by Freeths, a great event now entering its second quarter-century!  Please note that the courts will be busy each day that week until about 5 pm, but will be free as usual each evening, and Club Nights are unaffected.

HOME MATCHES THIS MONTH  [each match 2 courts]:
SATURDAY 13th, 1 pm:  Ladies A v N. Oxford; Ladies B v N. Oxford
SUNDAY 14th, 10 am:  Ladies C v Norham Gardens
SATURDAY 20th, 1 pm:  Men’s A v Faringdon; Men’s C v Brackley
SUNDAY 21st, 10 am:  Men’s B v Wantage
SATURDAY 27th, 1 pm:  Ladies D v Blewbury; Mixed B v Cholsey

And if with all your matches, practice, coaching and social play your racket needs a RESTRING, Club member Bob Coomber offers a quick and expert service.  You can contact Bob on 07484 368977 or email


With the clocks going forward on Sunday 26th, our friendly and inclusive Club Nights return, starting Tuesday 28th and Thursday 30th March.  Come and join in: TUESDAYS FROM 5.30 ONWARDS are Social Sessions for everyone (the bar will be open when we finish play), and THURSDAYS FROM 5.30 ONWARDS are Team Practice Nights for all members keen to play team tennis.

And talking of TEAM TENNIS
The Winter League season is coming to a close and the new Summer League begins after Easter.  We’re always delighted to welcome new players to the squads.  Well done everyone who’s played in our teams this winter (we’re very proud that Woodstock yet again has the third or fourth highest number of members playing league tennis of all the clubs in Oxfordshire), and congrats to our Men’s A and Men’s C  for winning promotion and to our Men’s Midweek team for winning the league.

And talking of SUCCESSES

Thanks to all who took part in last Sunday’s Tie-break Tournament – hugely enjoyed, and some great tennis played, with Tory Houghton and Mike Allen carrying off the Cup.

Just as good (and close-fought!) was the bake-off that followed: three sensational cakes, all gems of their kind – one chocolate, one lemon drizzle and one banana and almond bread with tahini topping… oh my word…  By the narrowest of margins the lemon drizzle won – and the Star Baker (identities of bakers not known till the vote had happened) turned out to be 10-year-old Madeleine! Brilliant!

And talking of TOURNAMENTS
If you haven’t yet entered this Summer’s Club Tournaments (Singles, Doubles, Mixed, Men’s and Ladies), email Freddie Page directly at BEFORE the 31st March for all the details (or ask at next week’s Club Nights).

We’re excited to announce the return of Family Fridays, starting on 21st April, 4.30 to 5.30pm. This is a free session for children and parents to get together on court and enjoy coach-led drills and games. It’s also a fantastic social event for families to meet each other and have fun playing tennis.  It was hugely popular last year, and we hope this will continue.  For all the details, please contact Jenny Collins at

A reminder that our excellent coaches are running tennis camps for juniors for three days in the Easter holiday:  Mon, Tues, Weds 3rd, 4th, 5th April, 9.00 am – 11.00 am:  5-9 years, 11.15 am – 1.15 pm:  10-16 years.  Places are offered on a first come, first served basis so please book early to avoid disappointment.  For further details and to secure your child’s booking, please click on:

*** MEMBERS PLEASE NOTE that on the three mornings of the camps only one court may be available.  After 1.15 all four courts will be free as usual. ***

To improve your game and enjoy your tennis all the more, the new term of our group coaching at the Club – for both Adults and Juniors – begins after Easter, and booking is open now.  For all the details of days, times and prices, and to book your place, for adults just click on: and for juniors click on:




Adam Hofman’s post-match cakes are becoming something of a Club legend!  We see no reason why the Men’s teams should be sole enjoyers of this delight, and now you can share in it!  Adam has generously agreed to bake another of his gems for all to enjoy after our SUNDAY MIXED DOUBLES TOURNAMENT on the afternoon of SUNDAY 19 MARCH. Partners in the tournament will change every game, so you don’t need a partner to enter.  To take part, simply email saying “Yes, I / we would like to play in the tournament on Sunday 19th.”   And the (friendly, fun) competition on court will continue off it: if you think you can bake a cake to rival Adam’s, please bring and share and we’ll have a (friendly, fun) bake-off! 

And talking of tournaments…

This Summer we’re running club tournaments open to all adult members. This is a great opportunity to play some competitive matches, have fun, meet new players and attend a Finals Day which should provide some great matches.

There will be seven competitions in total, and you can enter any of them for which you are eligible:

Men’s Singles
Senior Men’s Singles (only for those aged 50 and above)
Ladies Singles
Senior Ladies Singles (only for those aged 50 and above)
Men’s Doubles
Ladies Doubles
Mixed Doubles

We aim to start matches during April and finish with a Finals Day either at the end of July or the first weekend in September – this will depend on the number of entries, and all the details will be provided before the tournaments begin.

If you would like to enter any of the Summer Tournaments please email Freddie (Graham) Page directly at BEFORE the 31st March with your details and the tournaments you wish to enter.  For the doubles tournaments either choose your own partner (and provide both names) or simply enter on your own and you will be paired with another player through a draw. Good luck!

Our excellent coaches are running tennis camps for juniors for three days in the Easter holiday:

Mon, Tues and Weds 3rd, 4th and 5th April
9.00 am – 11.00 am:  5-9 years
11.15 am – 1.15 pm:  10-16 years

Places are offered on a first come, first served basis so please book early to avoid disappointment.  For further details and to secure your child’s booking, please click on the link below and scroll down to book the camp you wish your child to attend:

To improve your game and enjoy your tennis all the more, the new term of our group coaching at the Club – for both Adults and Juniors – begins after Easter, and booking is open now.  For all the details of days, times and prices, and to book your place, for adults just click on: and for juniors click on: 

Our friendly and inclusive Club Sessions will be running throughout the month, every Tuesday and Sunday, 1.30-3.30.  Do come and join in whenever you’re free. 

HOME MATCHES COMING UP [each match 2 courts]:
SATURDAY 4th, 1 pm:  Ladies A v David Lloyd,                            Ladies C v Watlington
SUNDAY 5th, 10 am:  Men’s A v Princes Risborough
SATURDAY 18th, 1 pm:  Ladies C v Portcullis
SUNDAY 19th, 10 am:  Ladies A v Mapledurham

*** And this is the month for membership renewal.  For details of the BIG SAVINGS FOR RENEWING THIS MONTH, go to:


ALL THE VERY BEST FOR 2023.  If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to play more tennis, you can start with our regular CLUB AFTERNOONS.   Our friendly and inclusive Club Sessions will be running throughout the winter, every Tuesday and Sunday, 1.30-3.30.  Do come and join in whenever you’re free.

And if another resolution is to improve your game, the winter term of our group coaching at the Club – for both Adults and Juniors – is running now.  For all the details of days, times and prices, and to book your place, just click on for adults and for juniors. 

HOME MATCHES COMING UP [each match 2 courts]:
WEDNESDAY 1st, 10 am:  Men’s Midweek v Oxford Sports
SATURDAY 4th, 1 pm:  Ladies A v Wychwoods, Ladies C v Abingdon
SATURDAY 11th, 10 am:  Ladies A v Portcullis;
             1 pm:  Men’s C v David Lloyd, Men’s D v Hanney
WEDNESDAY 15th, 10 am:  Men’s Midweek v OHRC
SATURDAY 18th, 1 pm:  Men’s A v Faringdon
WEDNESDAY 22nd, 10 am:  Ladies Midweek v Marlow
SATURDAY 25th, 1 pm:  Men’s B v Chinnor, Ladies B v North Oxford
SUNDAY 26th, 10 am:  Ladies D v Goring


With Christmas fast approaching we’re holding a SPECIAL, SOCIABLE DOUBLES TOURNAMENT on SUNDAY 11 DECEMBER at 1 o’clock, to be followed by equally sociable and seasonal mulled wine (and mince pies). The competition will be in a new, fun format.  Partners will change every game, so you don’t need a partner to take part.  To enter, simply email saying “Yes!  I/we would like to play in the Christmas Tournament on December 11th!”

Apart from the Tournament Sunday on the 11th (and a notable day a fortnight later), our Club Sessions will be running every Tuesday and Sunday, 1.30-3.30.   Do come and join in.

Many thanks to everyone who took part in our very interesting and positive Tennis Section AGM on November 10th.  The all-club AGM (Tennis and Bowls combined) is on THURSDAY 24 NOVEMBER at 7.30pm in the Clubhouse. There are important votes to be taken about the future of the Club, so please be sure to come along.

HOME MATCHES [each match 2 courts]:
SATURDAY 26th, 1 pm:  Ladies D v Brackley, Men’s B v Oxford Sports
SUNDAY 27th, 10 am:  Men’s D v Colston
SATURDAY 3rd, 1 pm:  Men’s A v Bicester, Men’s C v n Deddington
SATURDAY 10th, 1 pm:  Ladies B v Thame

AND LOOKING AHEAD TO THE NEW YEAR…  We’re holding a Tennis Club Post-Christmas Dinner at Brotherton’s Brasserie in Woodstock on Friday January 13th, 7.30.  The meal choices with prices are found on NEW MENU | BrothertonsBrasserie.  If you’d like to come, to book your places just email

*** STOP PRESS!!!  CHRISTMAS CAMPS FOR JUNIORS  Wednesday and Thursday 21st and 22nd December.  For all the details, just click on:  Woodstock Tennis Club – Junior Christmas Camp – Book Here!




IT’S BEEN GREAT to see so many members playing in our Club Sessions on Sunday and Tuesday afternoons.  Do come and join in: they’re every Tuesday and Sunday, 1.30-3.30.  And starting in November, one Tuesday Club Afternoon each month will be preceded by a special session, 12.30-1.30, run by our Head Coach Tom Francis.  Each of the three monthly ‘clinics’ will work on a specific game situation and tactical intention:  Session 1 – Serve & Return; Session 2 – Smashing/Overhead; Session 3 – Poaching & Protecting at the net.  For team players and social players alike, they’ll be full of brilliant tips and new ideas.  For all the details, and to book your place, just click on

Woodstock Winter Adult Coaching Clinics – More information Here

Whether you’re a regular AGM attender, have never been to one before or are new to the Club, do come and join us to discuss the season past, what’s happening now and how we should look to the future:  THURSDAY 10 NOVEMBER, 7.30 IN THE CLUBHOUSE.

HOME MATCHES COMING UP [each match 2 courts]:
SATURDAY 29th, 10 am:  Men’s D v Abingdon; 1 pm:  Ladies D v Norham Gardens, Men’s B v Goring
WEDNESDAY 2nd, 10 am:  Ladies Midweek v Appleton
SATURDAY 5th, 1 pm:  Men’s A v Colston, Ladies A v Portcullis
SATURDAY 12th, 1 pm:  Ladies B v Cholsey
SATURDAY 19th, 1 pm:  Ladies A v Banbury, Ladies C v Oxford Sports
SATURDAY 26th, 1 pm:  Ladies D v Brackley, Men’s B v Oxford Sports
SUNDAY 27th, 10 am:  Men’s D v Colston


The Winter League is about to start.  Good luck to all our teams – enjoy!  And in the Summer season that’s just finished, congrats to our Mixed B and Men’s C teams for winning promotion, and to our Men’s team for winning the Midweek League.  We’re proud to say that we’re very inclusive: only three clubs in Oxfordshire have more members involved in team tennis than Woodstock.  We run teams across a wide ability range, so if you’re keen to play and are not yet in a squad, be sure to let us know: just send a quick note to the club email:

CLUB SESSIONS – NEW TIMES: Everyone is always welcome to our friendly and enjoyable Club Sessions. From the start of October they’re on Sundays 1.30-3.30 and Tuesdays 1.30-3.30. Come and join in!

Our excellent coaches are running tennis camps for juniors for two days in the half-term holiday:
Monday and Tuesday 24th and 25th October
9.00 am – 11.00 am:  5-9 years
11.15 am – 1.15 pm:  10-16 years
CLUB MEMBERS PRICE (20% DISCOUNT): £38.40 for the two-day course. NON-MEMBERS PRICE: £48.00 for the two-day course.
Places are offered on a first come, first served basis so please book early to avoid disappointment.  To secure your child’s booking, please click on the link below and scroll down to book the camp you wish your child to attend:
***Members please note that on the two mornings of the Summer Camps, only one court may be available.  All four courts will be available as usual from 1.15.



DOES YOUR RACKET NEED A RE-STRING?  Club member Bob Coomber offers a quick and expert local service.  Just give Bob a call on 07484 368977. 

AND WE’RE NEARING THE TIME WHEN we need to appoint new members of the Tennis Committee.  In particular, we need volunteers for Chair and for Social Secretary.  It’s genuinely fun and rewarding helping to run our club, so if you’re interested in joining our committee or would like more info, just drop us a line on the club email or talk to any of us: Matt Jolly, Katie Gale, Sally or Nigel Bryant, Peter Gosling, Jenny Collins, Nigel or Sarah Knights Johnson, Lizzie Hipkiss, John Kennedy, Tory Houghton.

HOME MATCHES COMING UP [each match 2 courts]:
SATURDAY 1st, 1 pm:  Ladies D v Abingdon; Men’s B v Goring
SUNDAY 2nd, 10 am:  Men’s D v Wantage
WEDNESDAY 5th, 10 am:  Men’s Midweek v Oxford Sports
SATURDAY 8th, 1 pm:  Men’s A v Wychwoods
SUNDAY 9th, 10 am:  Ladies C v Benson
WEDNESDAY 12th, 10 am:  Ladies Midweek v Oxford Sports
SATURDAY 15th, 1 pm:  Ladies B v D.Lloyd; Men’s C v Shiplake
SUNDAY 16th, 10 am:  Ladies A v Kingston Bagpuize
SATURDAY 22nd, 1 pm:  Ladies C v Faringdon