- [replacing Clause 15] Each Section shall be responsible for managing its own income and expenditure – i.e. all finances pertaining to its own sport. There shall be a Tennis Treasurer and a separate Bowls Treasurer appointed to manage their relevant Section’s finances. Subscription levels must be approved at each Section’s AGM.
- [replacing Clause 14] A Facilities Committee shall oversee the smooth running and financing of the clubhouse and grounds which both Sections share. The Facilities Committee shall consist of Committee Chair, Bowls Chair, Bowls Treasurer, Tennis Chair and Tennis Treasurer. The Committee Chair shall be elected from the Tennis Section. A meeting of the Facilities Committee should always include both Treasurers, and should always be attended by the Clubhouse Manager who will recommend courses of action to the committee. Income generated, and expenditure incurred, from the operation of the clubhouse and grounds shall be divided between the Sections in a 2:1 ratio, Tennis:Bowls. If a Section is unable to fulfil its financial obligations to the Club by meeting its own costs and its share of central costs, the Club’s members shall vote, either electronically or at a Special General Meeting, on the continued viability of that Section.
The current constitution can be viewed here.